hunting access programs
Walk-in Area Program (WIA)
Works to maintain South Dakota’s rich hunting heritage by providing public hunting access to privately owned lands that contain valuable wildlife habitat. The landowner opens the land to free public hunting, (foot-traffic only) in exchange for a small payment and immunity from non-negligent liability. Landowners with land enrolled in permanent habitat conservation programs like CRP can receive an additional upfront bonus payment by opening it to public hunting for multiple years.

- For over 30 years, GFP has worked cooperatively with landowners to provide hunting access on privately owned lands. This program currently has more than 1.25 million acres working in partnership with over 1,400 landowners.
- WIA Program Information
- WIA Enrollment Contacts
- WIA Guidelines
Controlled Hunting Access Program (CHAP)
CHAP is a cooperative effort between private landowners and the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks. Landowners who enroll in CHAP have more control over hunter activities on their land; including controlling the amount of hunter use at a given time, setting special provisions for use, placing restrictions on game species and game retrieval. Mapping information and online reservations to hunt CHAP lands.
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP)
Administered by the USDA's Farm Service Agency and South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks, this program is a state-sponsored Conservation Reserve Program, providing additional undisturbed habitat for wildlife and public hunting access.

- In South Dakota, the focus is on improving water quality, reducing soil erosion, and creating additional wildlife habitat that is open to public hunting and fishing access in the James River Watershed and the Big Sioux River Watershed.
- CREP participants receive higher rental rates than if they were to just enroll their land in CRP. Every acre enrolled in CREP is open to public hunting and fishing.
- James River Watershed CREP Fact Sheet
- James River Watershed CREP Contacts
- Big Sioux River Watershed CREP Fact Sheet
- BSRW Big Sioux River Watershed CREP Contacts