upland enhancement practices

The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) will also cost share up to 100 percent of permanent fencing materials (interior and exterior fences) to establish a managed or rotational grazing system.

This practice not only benefits the livestock producer by increasing plant vigor and forage quality, but improves habitat conditions and provides residual nesting cover needed by numerous upland nesting species.

Priority will be given to those sites located in close proximity to intact wetland/grassland complexes, in conjunction with a wetland creation or restoration project, and with those landowners who already are using some kind of managed grazing system.

Cooperating landowners are responsible for the installation and maintenance of fencing projects and agree to develop a managed grazing system with GFP.


For more information, please contact a GFP habitat biologist to help coordinate an upcoming project and to obtain all required permits, if necessary.